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Gender: Male

Meet Shep!!!! 3 year old foxhound whose family decided they didn’t want him anymore because he chewed up something in the house. They were actually calling around to different Vet offices trying to find one that would euthanize him. No Vet was willing to euthanize a perfectly healthy dog that has never shown any kind of aggression ever. Thankfully Ashboro Animal Hospital stepped in and convinced them to surrender Shep to them. They put him in boarding and started trying to find a rescue for him. They were striking out because all rescues are overfilled. Thank goodness they said they would board him for a few weeks till we had an opening for him. We cannot thank the enough for saving his life. He is completely vetted, sweet as can be, housebroken, great on a leash, I could go on and on listing all this boy’s attributes. Have you looked at his gorgeous eyes. He is a true southern gentleman. He needs to lose a little bit up weight, but that’s an easy fix

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